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Party Punchbowl

Party Punchbowl

ACTIVE TIME: 10 Minutes
TOTAL TIME:  12 Hours for ice cubes (+3 Day infusion time)

You might not care about football, but isn’t it fun to get together with friends for yummy treats and delicious sips? Offer this punchbowl recipe and let the team-inspired ice cubes go to battle. 

Camp Punch Bowl

INGREDIENTS (Makes 1 Punchbowl, 45 Servings)

48    ounces orange juice for ice cubes
¾     cup of butterfly pea flowers
6     cups water
24    ounces light rum infused Camp Craft Lavender Lemonade (2 kits or infuse twice)
12    ounces lime juice
12    ounces Camp Simple Citrus flavor
12    ounces Amaretto
12    ounces Gran Marnier liqueur


Step 1

Boil the water, remove from heat and add the butterfly pea flowers. Allow to infuse and strain out the flowers and allow the blue mixture to cool. Divide into ice cube trays, freeze, and save in a  freezer safe container.

Step 2

Add orange juice to ice cube trays, freeze, and save in a  freezer safe container.

Step 3

Infuse Camp Craft Lavender Lemonade kits with light rum.  Leave in refrigerator for 3 days.

Step 2

Strain Camp Craft Lavender Lemonade kits into punchbowl.

Step 3

Add other ingredients to punchbowl and stir.

Step 4

As guests arrive, add colored ice cubes.

Step 5

Dip 4 ounce servings into glasses with ice.

Camp Punch Bowl serving

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